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What is the difference between green plastic bags and plasti


Environmentally friendly plastic bags, this name trusts us will not be unfamiliar. I have heard of it, but how many people know about environmentally friendly plastic bags? What is the difference between it and the plastic bags we usually use? In order to help us understand the plastic bags, let the plastic packaging factory Xiaobian give us a popular science today. What environmentally friendly plastic bags? Some people may say that environmentally friendly plastic bags are environmentally friendly plastic bags, and of course there are no disadvantages. Environmentally-friendly plastic bags refer to plastic bags that can be rapidly degraded. The environmentally-friendly plastic bags that are commonly used on the market are mainly biodegradable plastic bags and starch-degradable plastic bags, and the current environmentally-friendly plastic bags may be differentiated within one year. The quickest is that the Olympic green plastic bags can be differentiated after 72 days of disposal.

So what is the difference between it and the plastic bags we usually use? The biggest difference is no more environmentally friendly. If you have read the articles shared in front of Xiaobian, you should know that after the plastic bags are abandoned, they need to be naturally differentiated at the time of about 200 years, and the environmentally-friendly plastic bags only need about 1 year, which can be greatly Reduce the pollution of plastic bags.

The emergence of environmentally friendly plastic bags will certainly be able to deal with the environmental pollution of plastic bags. Although the degradation is fast, but it also needs 1 year, and the daily demand in China consumes more than 3 billion plastic bags, which is not considered industrial packaging and express packaging. The cost of plastic bags is more than 1,095 billion in a year, so in order to deal with the pollution problem of plastic bags, rational use and repeated use are the key.

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