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Nylon vacuum bag features


Zero-added foods are leading the way, especially in the field of low-temperature vacuum packaging, followed by the rise of nylon vacuum bags.

Vacuum bags come in a variety of materials, but nylon vacuum bags have their own unique characteristics compared to other materials.

Firstly, when used as a composite material, nylon is often used as a composite material for frozen products and high-temperature cooking products. The fastness, high temperature resistance, low temperature resistance and puncture resistance of the combination of reinforcing materials; because there is no heat sealing property, it is placed in the material combination. middle layer.

Secondly, the polyethylene material selected from the inner layer of the nylon vacuum packaging bag has acid resistance, alkali resistance, low temperature resistance and 100 degrees Celsius. As a composite material, it has good heat-sealing properties, and can be heat-sealed at a low temperature, and can be heat-sealed at a low temperature, and the sealing strength is better than cpp. (The production cycle is fast, the same die can produce a variety of polyethylene materials.)

Nylon vacuum packaging bags specially produced by Zhongtuo Plastics Co., Ltd. are good products that can stand the test of the market, and produce polyethylene film by themselves. Nylon film is stored all the year round. The production cycle is short, and the nylon vacuum packaging bags produced can be customized according to customer needs. Designed specifically for customization. It is our pursuit to produce the right products for you. Welcome to Zhongtuo guest, T el:+86-532-86629516; +86 15020031364.

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