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A few essential points for a good food packaging bag


A few essential points for a good food packaging bag

(1) First of all, we must understand the characteristics of the food packaged in the food packaging bag and determine the required protective conditions.

Good food packaging bags should understand the main ingredients, characteristics of food and the inherent reactions that may occur during processing, storage and transportation, including non-biological intrinsic biochemical reactions and biological spoilage reaction mechanisms, followed by research on foods. The main ingredients, especially the sensitive factors of fat, protein, vitamins and other nutrients, including light, oxygen, temperature, microbiology, physics, mechanical mechanics and other factors. Only by mastering the biological factors of the packaged food and determining the required protective conditions can the packaging materials and packaging process be correctly selected.

(2) Research and master the packaging performance, scope and conditions of packaging materials

Food packaging bags have a wide variety of materials and different performances. Therefore, only by understanding the packaging properties of various packaging materials and containers can we choose to protect the flavor and quality of foods as well as the value of their products according to the protective requirements of packaged foods. And make the packaging cost reasonable packaging materials. For example, high temperature sterilization foods should be made of high temperature resistant packaging materials, while low temperature frozen foods should be packaged with low temperature resistant materials.

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