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What are the benefits of reusing food bags?


In recent years, food packaging bags have dominated the market because it has provided people with great convenience and people are enthusiastically pursuing it. Due to lack of environmental awareness, plastic bags are often discarded after use. Over time, people’s habits have also changed. Almost all plastic bags have become disposable, so that plastic bags that people throw away can be seen on the street. And some people think that someone has cleaned it and it's all right after it's swept away.

In fact, although the plastic bags were swept away by the cleaning staff, this does not mean that the plastic bags have disappeared from the earth. These bags will be sent to landfills and then disposed of by burning, burying them, etc. But either way, it will seriously pollute the environment, let us burn it and bury it. Buried in landfills, because plastic bags are generally light and non-perishable, which can cause the foundation of the waste to become soft and difficult to use later.

Let's talk about burning, using this method to deal with plastic bags, due to heat easily damage the stove, and the gas generated by the combustion will lead to global warming, some food bags will release harmful gases and air pollution when burning. The only way to reduce the pollution of plastic bags is to reduce the use of disposable plastic bags, and then use plastic bags, even if a plastic bag is used again and again, this will reduce to millions of plastic bags of garbage every day. This is The most effective way.

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